link to film    please ask for password: nagrane@gmail.com

09 min. 06
language: Russian, English
location: Moscow
format: 16:9, HD

„Swordfish“ is a short film about violence, 
about our powerlessness in the face of violence 
and our attempts to gather solidarity and tributes.

„Hate’s like a swordfish
invisible in the water,
knifing suddenly into sight
with blood on its blade—
clear water misleads you.“ Pablo Neruda

a film by Eleonore de Montesquiou
with original music by C2H6

quotes from Pablo Neruda's
"Testamento de otoño"  and "Confieso que he vivido"

thanks to : Ethan Burkhard, Asya Filipova, Vika Ilyushkina,
Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes, Andrey Parshikov and Tere Recarens